Koha Hosting
From 40 USD / month
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Why a Web Hosting for Koha?

For running Koha as your corporate ILS you must to have a web server with:

- Lnux as Operating System

- IP public address

- Administrator permisson for installation, configuration and maintenance works.

Based on that, if your Institution does not have those basic requirements, it is necessary to pay for a web hosting service for Koha. However, sellers of traditional hosting service do not allow total access to their servers.

Organizadatos is offering web Hosting Service for Koha, 24 hours x 7 days, where you have a Koha installation ready for being used with whole the managing modules and tools. This service includes Koha maintenance, updates, and backups available for each client via ftp.

Note: Web Hosting for Koha's cost does not include services like: OPAC customizing, setting of Koha (types of items, collections, branches, loan rules, etc.), data migration (bibliographical, users), training on Koha. Those all services have an additional cost deppending on needs for each Library.

Contact us (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and let us know your Koha needs.

Museum Libraries:
Special Price for Koha Hosting
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Demo - KOHA



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